The VIM needs your feedback!

Please take the VIM survey on Accessibility and Inclusivity in Music Venues:


The VIM is conducting an “Accessibility and Inclusivity Study” in order to support and ensure that the music centre will be providing a welcoming, safe and supportive environment for artists, audiences and staff, and therefore address disabling social, cultural, and political conditions that limit participation in the cultural sector.

A final report will be released in the Spring 2020 and will present the key findings regarding the following points:

  • What does accessibility mean socially, culturally, physically and financially in a music presentation centre?
  • What opportunities does a purpose-built music presentation centre present?
  • What advantages, limitations, and potential barriers will the staff and the community need to address?

The answers that you will provide in this survey will be used in the context of this study to inform the consultant about:

  • What do we need to think about accessibility and inclusivity in music venues?
  • What are the accessibility and inclusivity priorities currently identified by audiences and musicians?
  • What needs to be considered in the VIM planning?
  • What further work should be conducted?
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